


Lake District


North Yorkshire

North Wales



About Summiteer

~Pendle Hill~

11th October 2011

Pendle Summit

Pendle Summit

Scroll down for photos and a description of the walk....

Pendle Hill

North by Northwest

Four days of almost incessant rain, started sometime early on Saturday morning. Drizzle, light rain, steady rain, windy rain and heavy rain; we've had the lot. And then sometime on Tuesday afternoon it eased off, so I thought I'd better make the most of it. This aspect from the road above Newchurch shows a N/NW view of Pendle Hill.


The Birds

The birds are a common feature of a walk up Pendle Hill. A now familiar sight above the eastern slope of Pendle Hill is the kestrel. I parked by the road and started walking at 16:20.

Pendle Ascent

39 ~ Steps

It's ascent No.39 for 2011 and the Steps get the vote for the quickest route to the top.

Pendle Cloud

Cloud base is at about 1600ft.

Pendle Stile

Pendle Summit

Pendle Summit

My first viewless trip to the top since January 1st this year.



A lone mountain biker heads off into the gloom.

Pendle Rain

Pendle Rain

Another type of rain, Pendle Rain. The rain started again on the last leg of the walk. Incidentally, I counted 1,115 paces up the steps from the farm gate to the Downham stile.

Walkers: Just Me

Time taken: 1 hour 12mins over a distance of about 2.5 miles.

Route: Roadside parking, up the steps across the top and down the track.

Weather and conditions: Cloudy, misty, breezy on top and then rainy.

Greetings Count: I passed a litter-collecting walker early on, good man. Another walker on the summit and the cyclist.

Take me back to the start ....

Take me home....